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Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
At Baseline Therapy, we can provide AAC evaluations, complete funding paperwork for our children to assist in getting the most appropriate AAC solutions accessible for communication. For therapy, we provide both direct services for the child as well as parent coaching/teaching to get consistent use and knowledge across settings.

What types of AAC are there?There are multiple types of Alternative and Augmentative systems including (but not limited to): - Visual schedules - Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) - Speech-generating devices - iPad/dedicated speech devices - Switches - Sign Language
Are there any prerequisites to my child to use AAC devices/supports?No! We are firm believers that all children can benefit from Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) options. From low tech visuals to high-tech communication devices, there are such a variety of access methods to support every child with their communication!
If my child starts using AAC to communicate, does that mean they'll never communicate verbally?No! This is one of the biggest myths and concerns that parents have regarding the use of AAC systems. We see AAC as a bridge between children being frustrated and unable to get out their thoughts/feelings and a child who is regulated enough in getting their wants/needs met using AAC strategies that they can then focus on the learning of verbal communication strategies.
What are the costs associated with AAC?Due to the wide nature of AAC systems, the cost can vary from free (ex: Sign Language) to expensive (ex: dedicated speech device). Generally, AAC evaluations and therapy are covered by insurances and TennCare. We will work with insurance, AAC reps, and other grant programs to get the best option to meet your child's needs.
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