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Having worked in the schools for many years, we have seen how big of an impact that Literacy has on academic development. Unfortunately due to schedule limitations, some students aren't quite getting the level of Literacy instruction they need or in the manner of learning that they are receptive to best. 


Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards - Orients book correctly - Recognize that words can be read - Recognize both uppercase and common lowercase letters - Distinguish between pictures and words - Tracking text from left to right - Recognizes name in print, both uppercase and lowercase - Begin recognizing rhyme in words - Begin syllable counting - Beginning components of writing letters (circles, lines, crossed lines, diagonals)


Language Arts/Reading Standards - Demonstrates basic features and organization of print - Understanding of spoken word, syllables and sounds - 1:1 Letter:Sound Correspondence skills - Write letters upper/lowercase from memory - Emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding - Identify characters, setting, and major events - Beginning retell of stories - Ask/answer questions about a story

1st Grade

Language Arts/Reading Standards - Recognizing sentence features: first word, capitalization, punctuation - Distinguish long/short vowel sounds - Single-syllable blending and segmenting - Reading Digraphs (sh, th, ch) - Final -e rule - Spelling 1-2 syllable words with r-controlled, VCVe, vowel teams, and final -y patterns

2nd Grade

Language Arts/Reading Standards - Long/short vowels in one syllable words - Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels - Spelling with less common vowel teams, r-controlled vowels, homophones, plurals, and possessives - Words with consonant doubling, dropping silent -e, and changing y to i patterns - Reading grade-level text orally with appropriate rate, accuracy, and expression

3rd Grade

Language Arts/Reading Standards - Identify and define meaning of common prefixes/suffixes - Decode words with -ly, -less, and -ful endings - Decode multi-syllabic words - Spelling 1-3 syllable words - Writing a cohesive paragraph with main idea and detailed structure

4th Grade

Language Arts/Reading Standards - Use combined knowledge of letter-sound correspondence, syllabication pattern, and morphology to read unfamiliar multisyllabic words in and out of context - Use spelling patterns for 1-3 syllable words - Read grade-level passages with accuracy, rate, and expression - Write multiple cohesive paragraphs on a topic

5th Grade

Language Arts/Reading Standards - Continue using letter-sound correspondence, syllabication patterns, and morphology to accurately read unfamiliar multisyllabic words in and out of context - Spell grade-appropriate words - Read grade-level texts, using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding

A visual, sound based approach to literacy learning Starting with sounds, digraphs, vowel teams, and rules transitioning to blending and word manipulating skills.

In-home or community locations serving Oak Ridge, Knoxville, and surrounding areas


Tel: 865-407-0026

Mon - Fri: Limited availability

​​Saturday: Appointment only

​Sunday: Appointment only

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